Author Archives: triciaedwards

About triciaedwards


Salsa on the Street, Klave Latin Band

Friday August 4, Hispanic Arts Society, Stephen Ave and 2nd Street SW, live band at 8 p.m.

Tricia Edwards Trio at Tomkins Park, 17 Ave

Mon July 17, 6 – 8 p.m., free, Tomkins Park at 17 Ave and 8 Str SW, Jorge Chaviano, vocals and guitar, Raul Tabera, percussion, Tricia Edwards, keys

Salsa on the Street, Klave Latin Band

Friday July 14, Hispanic Arts Society, Stephen Ave and 2nd Street SW, live band 8:00 p.m.

Picnic at the Piano in Okotoks

Wednesday June 14, Free lunch time concert, 12 – 1 p.m., Okotoks Art Gallery, 53 North Railway Street

Sunlight Release and Art Show

Saturday June 10 Asylum for Art, Brunch, Details TBA