Author Archives: triciaedwards

About triciaedwards


Joseph Bahhadi Trombone Recital

Joseph Bahhadi, Trombone, Tricia Edwards, Piano Works by Mahler, Grøndahl and Marcello World premiere of “Dreams of a Young Painter” by Ashley Seward, alongside special guest Andrew Park on Cello. Rosza Centre, 2500 University Drive NW Free

Tribute to Buena Vista Social Club at Alvin’s Jazz club

Tricia Edwards, piano, Jorge Chaviano, vocals, Mario Ochoa, bass, Luis “el Pana” Tovar, percussion, Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18 at Alvin’s Jazz Club, 7 – 11 p.m., 176 Mahogany Centre SE

Havana Night at Rec Room

Cubason Band, Friday February 7, 10 pm – 1 a.m., Rec Room Calgary, 901 – 64 Ave NE, no cover

Tricia Edwards Hosts Kawa Jam

Kawa Espresso Bar, 1333 – 8th Str S.W., no cover, 3 – 6 p.m., with Daniel Nava, bass, Raul Tabera, drums

Wendy Lomnes Trio

Coffee Cats Divo/Diva Series, Coffee Cats Cafe, 2765 17 Ave SW, 7 pm, $15, Wendy Lomnes, vocals, Tricia Edwards, keys, Reese Perry, bass.